Our Western Red Cedar Privacy Fence is the standard 6 ft. wood privacy fence with vertical planks . We select the best cedar pickets for our fences because it is essential when building a wood fence to use the best materials available. Often, if you purchase pickets from companies like Lowes or Home Depot, you are not so sure of the quality of these. Griffin Fence only installs with western red cedar pickets which means your fence will last longer and be more resistant to high winds. This is very important when you install a wood privacy fence for a few reasons; it prevents pickets from cupping and warping and the western red cedar #2 grade is made from a denser cedar, will allows for longer picket life when exposed to the elements.
To extend the life of your fences and make it a little more appealing to the eye, consider adding our popular cap and trim option to your fence. Western Red Cedar Fences are also naturally resistant to termites and wood boring insects.
Board on Board Fences are a true full privacy cedar fence. The fence is designed with picket on picket that covers that very small spacing between boards. If you are a pet owner or if your neighbors own dogs, the board on board fence will help prevent your dogs or neighboring dogs from seeing through the gaps in the fence which will help to reduce barking. If you’re a pool or hot tub owner, the board on board fence will allow you to enjoy even more security and privacy in your outdoor area. For the most privacy, Board on Board Fences can be installed at 8 feet. We recommend using steel fence posts instead of lumber for strength and durability.
Please check with your home owners association before installing a fence because you may need to get your neighbors permission for a style other that a traditional 6 foot cedar fence or good neighbor fence and to increase the height of the fence to 8 feet. The board on board fence also offers better acoustic protection by providing more of a sound barrier.
The bull panel fence is framed in with galvanized squared panels that allow on lookers to admire your landscape while also providing security. You can have the bull panel fence framed out in western red cedar or treated wood fencing. It is recommended to use a cedar frame if installing a bull panel fence taller than 4ft. Please consider that treated lumber frames do tend to warp when our weather changes rapidly. When we visit your property before preparing your free fence quote, one of our staff members will provide you with options and recommendations and help you select the right custom
Your backyard or other enclosed area will look neat and clean with a traditional red cedar fence with a cap on top and a bottom trim board otherwise known as a cap and trim fence. The finish that the cap and trim fence offers makes a clean presentation and a offers a longer lasting fence. Moisture tends to be drawn into the tops and bottoms of pickets. The cap which is replaceable helps prevent moisture from entering your pickets. The cap can be either 2×6 cedar lumber or 2×8 cedar lumber. The trim can be either 1×4 cedar lumber or 1×2 cedar lumber. The cap and trim fence will give your fence a finished look and help protect it from the elements. Don’t forget to consider that our cap and trim fences will also increase the value of your home.
The custom horizontal cedar fence is growing in popularity here in Houston neighborhoods because it is stylish, long lasting, offers privacy and is available in several different styles. The differences in fence styles will allow your fence to look completely different from your neighbors although they are both horizontal fences designs. Our custom horizontal cedar fences also give your property a much more modern look.
Griffin Fence of Houston can customize this style of this fence to allow you to space the cedar pickets apart(slotted) or to alternate your own design. The horizontal cedar fence is a popular design which offers security and beauty to your outdoor space while improving the value of your home. Our custom horizontal fences look great with a clear sealant which allows for the natural wood beauty to show, can be stained with a sealant available in several options or can be left untreated for a natural cedar finish.
A lot of new subdivisions like this look because it allows both you and your neighbor a portion of the good side of the fence. Some Homeowner Associations(HOA’s) only allow this fence style to be installed between neighboring sides. Griffin Fence can provide this type of wood fencing at a great price. Good neighbor fences are available in 6ft and 8ft heights with either wooden or steel fence posts. We recommend using the steel posts for strength and longevity but homeowner rules may dictate certain requirements on height, materials, and sometimes even the stain. Be sure to check with your Homeowner Association and make sure your neighbors are in agreement before building a fence that is shared with your neighbor.
The straight shadow box fence has pickets on each side of the fence and spaces between them in an alternating pattern. This allows for good airflow and gives each neighboring side a clean finished look. However, this style of wood fencing does not give you full privacy and is a little more costly that a standard vertical or horizontal fence because of the extra lumber and pickets required to create the overlapping look. The straight shadowbox fence is a great option because it is popular for it’s good looks and finish on both sides of the fence. The straight shadowbox fence is also known as a board on board fence design. We offer this style of fence in western red cedar or as treated pine.
The advantages of the shadow box fence is that it is a neighbor friendly fence that will look the same on both yours and you neighbors yards. The board on board style of a shadow box fence is a little more modern than our standard privacy fence styles. Another advantage of the board on board fence is that some of the wind can pass through the vertical spaces that are left between the fence pickets making it a good choice for gardeners and folks who live in high wind areas.
The main disadvantages of the board on board design is that it offers less acoustic protection and less privacy.
Western red cedar wood has a distinct color which if left without a protective coating will weather to a gray color. A Cedar Split Rail Fence is very rustic in appearance and common on large properties or ranches were privacy isn’t a concern. Red Cedar rails are available in a two rail (approx. 36″ high) and a three rail (approx. 48″ high) style. The jumbo and standard rails are 10′ long and butt inside the fence posts to create 10′ post centers. Pony rails are available in 8′ lengths when a shorter span is desired or required.
A Cedar Split Rail fence is one of the most cost effective fence styles that define property boundaries, and is effective fencing for livestock and horses. Split Rail Fencing is also one of the easiest type of fence to install. The fence posts are normally set directly into the ground at approx. 30″ deep without concrete. A tamping bar is compacts the dirt around the post while back filling.
Treated pickets last longer while exposed to the elements, but there is some downside to this option of fence. Because of our beloved Texas weather, (snowing one day and 105 degrees the next) elements cause many of the treated pickets to warp and cup. While the fence turns out straight at first, 6 months later, you have a less appealing fence to look at. We do offer treated lumber fences but recommend using steel fences poles instead of treated 4 x 4’s for durability and strength.
When installing a fence, one of the most important factors you will want to consider is the cost for the fence itself. This, always keeping in mind that there are associated costs for the labor as well as the materials for the installation. Pricing for a new wood fence can vary greatly, depending on the style and type of wood you are using. For example, if you were to use a wood privacy fence which was 6 foot tall, you would expect to pay between $25 and $100 per panel. A 4 foot picket fence on the other hand would cost between $3 and $75 per panel.
In order to properly budget for your fence project, you will want to know the approximate height of your fence. That will answer most of your budget questions. As always, we would recommend that you reach out to us, and speak with one of our representatives. They would be able to consult as to what would be the best option for your property.
To reach Griffin Fence you can call us at 713-937-6611 or get a free quote here.
Our warranty installation warrants that our fence will not lean, pickets will not come loose and fence sessions will not become loose for a total of 12 months. At Griffin Fence we are so confident in the quality of the work we do, that we will provide any repair work at cost, for up to 24 months from the date of the installation (beyond the 12 month guarantee.)
Fence installations can turn out to be great DIY projects for the house. However, above and beyond the difficulty of installing your own fence with no prior experience, you will want to consider that the final fence project, depending on where you reside, will need to comply with specific local codes. Additionally, when installing your fence, you will want to be aware of utility lines that are running right under where you want to have your fence installed. A fence contractor in Houston, will be your best option in order to advise you for a successful fence installation.
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